10 Recommendations For Writing A Personal Statement For College

After graduation from school, most teens intend to continue their learning in college or university. It may be possible if you have a high academic record and can impress the admission committee with one important paper, which is called a personal statement.

This piece of writing explains to the committee why you are a worthy candidate for a certain college. It focuses on your achievements, worldviews, beliefs, and goals. It is an essay about you. If this paper isn’t written well enough, the chance to be accepted decreases greatly. That is why so many teens are very anxious because of it. Some students even hire a personal statement writer.

A professional writer will complete whatever you need to write a flawless personal statement. In the meanwhile, there are many other ways to handle it successfully. We’ll highlight 10 recommendations for writing a great personal statement for college.

1. Follow the Structure

First of all, you should clarify all the guidelines and follow them. One of the most essential things to do is to follow the structure. It does not differ from a standard essay. However, the things you should mention in those sections are surely different. Let’s check them in some greater detail.

  • Introduction. It includes your greetings, a presentation of yourself to the committee, and a thesis statement.
  • Main plot. This one highlights the most important facts about you – academic achievements, extracurricular activities, hobbies, worldviews, personal achievements, volunteering, academic, and career goals, etc. Make an interesting story that shows you from the best side.
  • Conclusion. You should leave your “thank you” to the member of the committee and express a hope that you will be accepted.

2. Link Your Statement to the College

The smartest students always conduct research to define vital tips. One of them is to learn the history of the college and afterward link some of your goals to it. Perhaps it stands for:

  • Dignity,
  • Honesty,
  • Diligence,
  • Personal growth,
  • Hard labor;
  • Creativity;
  • Leadership, etc.

Define its principles and think about how to show that you support them as well. It will be a great bonus for you.

3. Mind Your Grammar

Be sure your paper is mistakes-free. You should edit and proofread it to show it is readable. Simultaneously, you should check:

  • Grammar;
  • Spelling;
  • Punctuation;
  • Style;
  • Tone;
  • Flow, etc.

To be sure you didn’t miss some errors, use special checking apps. They can be found online and used for free. Even the greatest masters of writing use them regularly to be sure their papers are flawless.

4. Write to Various Colleges

You should ensure your success in various ways. One of them is to write several personal statements for various colleges. Don’t worry about the time and strength you will need to write them all. You need only one strong copy. Once it’s completed, change only the name of the college and the demands it has. On average, over 90% of the entire plot will remain unchanged.

5. Focus on Yourself

Mind that a personal statement is a story about you. That is why you are expected to dwell upon your personal achievements and goals. Show your positive sides and clarify why you are a good student for the selected college or university.

6. Watch the Word Count

Many students have problems with following the word count in a personal statement. Some of them write too much and others too little. Both cases are not suitable. The first one shows that you cannot shorten the story and thus cannot explain the most important facts briefly. The second one shows that you lack ideas. Commonly, the word count for a personal statement is about 500-1000 words long.

7. Use the Right Lexicon

Give close heed to the words you use in your paper. Not all of them can be used in this particular piece of writing. You should always avoid:

  • Technical terms;
  • Abbreviations;
  • Jargon;
  • Slang;
  • Clichés.

All these words spoil the general impression of your personal statement. It is expected to be academic and sounds rather official.

8. Don’t Show Off

It is vital to be rather humble. No one likes braggers. If you claim that you are perfect and overrate your achievements, the admission committee may not like that. Show your best traits, but do it in a humble and patient way.

9. Be Honest

Another smart recommendation to follow is to be honest with the admission committee. Do not write about things you never did or achievements you never got. This information can be easily verified. Any sort of lie will deprive you of many vital grades.

10. Use Professional Assistance

The last recommendation is your Plan B when nothing else helps, or you simply want to be sure that your personal statement is alright. You may turn for help to a custom writing service. As there are many custom writing services, you will have to spend some time researching the possible options.

Once you define a perfect company for you, there will be nothing impossible. A highly reputed platform has hundreds of competent and gifted writers. They all are professionals and are surely familiar with all pieces of writing, including a personal statement for college.

You may customize your order according to your needs. It is possible to request help with a certain section, as well as with the text entirely. Perhaps you require only editing help. Feel free to demand it. Your paper can be tackled in the next ways:

  • Written;
  • Proofread;
  • Analyzed;
  • Outlined;
  • Rewritten;
  • Edited, etc.

You should not worry about the price. When you collaborate with reliable writing service with a high reputation, the price will be relatively cheap. Thanks to full customization of the orders, you’ll be the one who determines the final bid.


Take this paper seriously if you want to get into the college of your dreams. If you feel something is wrong with it, use our article as a checklist to define what’s wrong. Our 10 recommendations will surely help to write a great personal statement to study where you want!

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