How to Write a Paper About Keeping Your Home Clean

Before you start submitting your writing task, you need to know that writing a paper is not easy. If you know the topic, you can start thinking about this issue to get the ideas for an essay. But what other information do you need to write a paper that follows all the professor’s requirements?

We are ready to share a small guide on how to write a paper about keeping your home clean and get the highest mark for it.

Some Useful Recommendations

You can use some language learning apps to avoid the typical mistakes while writing an essay. Here is a list of the main recommendations for the academic paper:

  • Use only formal vocabulary;
  • Avoid writing very long and complicated sentences;
  • Do not use weak words and idioms;
  • Avoid overusing passive voice and phrasal verbs;
  • Try not to use personal pronouns;
  • Write in the general voice; do not subjectivize.

Several Steps to Follow

You need to follow several steps to write a perfect paper. Look through these simple tips that will help you write an essay that corresponds to all requirements.

Pay Attention to the Instructions

Instructions are the first thing you should pay attention to. Go through the task carefully and ensure you have not missed any of the points. The professors usually mention such issues:

  • Word count;
  • The number of sources you should mention;
  • The topic of the essay;
  • What type of paper you should write;
  • Grading rubric.

Remember that if you miss at least one of the points, it will affect your overall grade. That’s why you should be careful with the initial instructions. If you haven’t understood something, it is better to ask the professor before writing the paper.

Make an Outline for your Paper

The next step to write a paper is to define what you want to talk about. As the topic is already chosen, proceed with an outline for your paper. Write down all the ideas you have concerning how to keep a house clean. List your ideas and then choose the logical order for them.

Do not forget about the word count. You should count approximately how many words you need for the introduction, main body, and conclusion. The outline will be useful for maintaining the essay well-organized. Finally, think about the transitions between the paragraphs to make your paper look coherent.

Do a Research

It’s always necessary to do research, especially if the instructions require several sources. Of course, you have some recommendations on how to clean the house and keep everything in order. Still, you can find some helpful tips or just add interesting information.

Do not forget that when you use other peoples’ ideas, even if they are published on the Internet, you need to cite them accordingly. You will discover how to make it correctly in the following parts of this article.

Divide your Essay into Several Sections

Before starting to write an essay, divide it into several main parts:

  • Introduction (with an overview of the topic);
  • Main body (3-4 paragraphs);
  • Conclusion (to summarize the key ideas).

Remember that the introduction and the conclusion should take approximately 20% of the whole essay. So, make sure that these two paragraphs are not too long. As for the introduction, you should define the topic and tell the reader what you are going to discuss.

In the main body, you put one idea in a paragraph. Do not try to discuss several ideas in one paragraph. For example, you can start with a general overview of the problem, tell about personal experience, and finish with some useful recommendations on keeping the house clean.

Finally, your conclusion is the key takeaway from your essay. Do not add any new information in the last paragraph. Also, you should restate your thesis in the conclusion.

Write a Thesis for your Paper

One more important step is to write a thesis for the paper. A good thesis should define the main idea of the whole essay or your attitude towards the problem. It is usually put at the end of the introduction.

Still, do not start your thesis with phrases like “This paper will discuss…” or “The purpose of this essay is….” This way, you weaken the message. It is not necessary to write a paper right from the introduction. You can begin with a thesis if you are sure about what you will discuss. If not, leave it till last.

Proofread Everything

When you finish writing the conclusion, do not think that it is the last step. You should proofread your essay several times. Make sure that your paper has no grammar, stylistics, or punctuation mistakes. You can also use editing services to detect minor mistakes in the paper.

Why is proofreading so important? Because you can just mistype several words, and it will result in a lower grade. In addition, re-reading will help you understand whether your text is well-organized and sounds logical. So, do not miss this step if you want to get the highest mark.

Add References

The last step is to add the references for your essay. If you choose to write a paper based on some references, you need to cite them to avoid plagiarism. Everything depends on the format mentioned in the instructions. APA and MLA are the most common citation formats for academic papers. It is necessary to read the manuals to know all the rules of the chosen format.

Make sure that you added the in-text citation in the essay. If the professor mentioned this point in the instructions, but you missed the reference page, you risk getting a bad mark for this assignment.

Final Words

Now you know the secrets of the perfect paper. However, do not forget that even such a simple topic as “How to Keep Your Home Clean” requires you to follow several requirements. Be attentive to details and follow the rules of academic writing. We hope that our small tips will help you not to miss important issues while writing an essay.

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