why business needs it support

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs IT Support

It’s no secret that technology can make your business run more efficiently, but not everyone knows the best ways to incorporate it into their daily workflow. It’s estimated that just 60% of small businesses have an IT strategy at all.

A lot of this has to do with misconceptions about technology – while people think they need it, they aren’t sure how much or even why they need it at all!

With IT support such as https://www.buzzageek.com.au/ you can avoid these issues and find the technological solutions that work best for your company. Here are 10 reasons why your business needs IT support, but before that, you need to know what do they really do:

What is IT Support?

By IT support, we don’t mean calling your neighborhood techie when your computer is acting up. The best type of business technology support ensures that all systems are operating smoothly, efficiently, and securely so that you can focus on running your business.

It also means ensuring compliance with regulations to protect client data. And it’s extremely helpful for companies in a wide range of industries, including health care organizations, law firms, and retailers, and plenty more besides.

1. Slow Computers

Slow computers aren’t just frustrating; they’re also a productivity drain. Today, many companies store all of their documents on servers and hard drives, so it becomes incredibly important to keep your computer in top shape. Hiring an IT support firm ensures that you’ll have someone to turn to if your PC starts running slower than normal or you run into other technical issues.

2. Device Failure

First of all, all devices fail. To paraphrase Murphy’s Law, if you have an iPad and it’s not broken yet, it will be soon. That goes for laptops and desktops too; hardware fails even more often than software.

Networked devices—servers and PCs—are particularly susceptible to issues that result in lost data or downtime. A good business relies on its ability to communicate effectively with partners, customers, or suppliers.

3. Data Loss

You can’t run a business if you don’t have access to critical data. Technology is becoming increasingly important in all areas of a business, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t susceptible to a wide range of problems from virus attacks to hardware failure. A proper IT support team will help you recover quickly and prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

4. Hardware Breakdown

Many businesses today rely on hardware that’s outside of their control. This can make hardware breakdowns especially disruptive and if it happens when you’re trying to complete a specific project, it can mean big money lost.

The best way to mitigate these risks is by keeping backup copies of data and having a plan in place to recover from hardware failure. Having an experienced firm like ours around helps ensure your data stays safe no matter what happens!

5. Virus Attack

Today’s malware threats are more potent and sophisticated than ever before. No matter how secure you think your business network is, chances are it can be compromised.

The best way to stay safe from malicious attacks is to get proactive about security; contact an IT support firm like us for a full risk assessment and recommendations on how to increase your level of protection from viruses and hacking attempts. You won’t regret it.

6. Software Failure

With all of these different types of software to install, it’s common for business owners to find that something isn’t working as expected—or at all. For example, not too long ago I spoke with a business owner who had installed new inventory management software. The problem? He was getting constant requests from customers for items that he didn’t even have in stock!

7. Hack Attempts on your Network

Computer networks are being hacked every day by malicious parties. The number of security breaches rose over one thousand percent in 2016 and that was for just one year. Is your network secure? Do you have any idea if it’s vulnerable to attack? If not, you should contact IT support now for a comprehensive network security assessment.

8. Malware Infection

Malware is a broad term that refers to any software used for malicious purposes, including viruses, worms, spyware, and Trojan horses. These malicious programs are often embedded in everyday applications such as spreadsheets or documents, making them difficult to detect and remove.

Some examples of common types of malware are ransomware, which restricts access to your files until you pay a fee; phishing scams that try to collect your sensitive information; botnets that can send spam or launch denial-of-service attacks against websites; Trojans or backdoors that allow attackers to remotely control your computer; and keyloggers that record everything you type to capture logins and passwords.

9. Firewall Issues

While we often think of blackouts and network outages as solely a potential concern for corporations, it’s important to remember that they can also be a problem for small businesses. A missed sales call or visit due to an Internet outage can cost your business thousands of dollars per year.

You could run into security issues as well, leaving you exposed to financial loss, lawsuits, and worse. If your business relies on its computer network, then it makes sense to invest in good IT support from a company; doing so will ensure that blackouts and other network troubles don’t lead to lost profits or serious headaches.

10. Blackouts, Internet Outages & Other Network Troubles

These days, technology is pretty much an essential component of any business’s infrastructure—and that’s a great thing. After all, it allows you to communicate with your employees and customers without being tied down by outdated equipment. But if you’re not careful, network issues can get in your way and delay operations.


The need for professional IT support can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. If you have computer problems regularly, it is worth looking into hiring a firm that specializes in managing your entire network.

If you have limited experience with computers or have questions about how to use them more effectively, keep in mind that finding an expert is key to ensuring your company thrives.

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