things improve your mental health

3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

After the stressful year that you have endured, there are probably quite a few things in your life that have become damaged and neglected, whether you have struggled financially, physically, or emotionally. However, tied to all of this is your mental health. Figures show that the general mental health standard of the public has suffered greatly.

However, as things begin to return to normal, it is likely that you will begin to see many opportunities to better your mental health and get back on the long road to healing yourself. Here are three things you can do to help you on the way.

#1 Try to learn something new or grow on what you already know

This can be starting up a new hobby or skill or something a bit more serious that might change your career path. It might even be achieving a lifelong dream of yours, such as getting a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

Learning about Clinical Psychology can help you learn more about mental illnesses, such as depression, PTSD, and social anxiety and the medicines and procedures used to treat them. It is a fascinating subject to learn and can lead you down a very intense but incredibly rewarding career path.

The benefits of a clinical psychology degree

Clinical psychology is a degree that can help you not only get all of the vital knowledge that you need to become a more compassionate and inclusive practitioner, and it can also give you the experience that you need to be able to handle cases that might be seen as challenging by others.

Naturally, you’ll need a lot of patience and understanding to go into this particular line of work, and finding the right course that suits you can really help you with that. You might find that it can also help you with any problems you might perceive in yourself or in loved ones and put you within a community of strong and caring people who share a fascination with the human brain.

As you can imagine, it can have a huge, positive impact on many people’s lives, which makes it a big step that should not be taken lightly and requires the right amount of research and forethought before making a decision. You should be aware that this is also likely to be a continual learning process as the field of clinical psychology is always taking steps forward and finding something new.

Learning something new like this can not only give you a strong adrenaline rush, but it can also preoccupy your mind with something a little less stressful than current events. This is really good if you happen to have had a favorite hobby before the pandemic struck, as then you can pick it back up again and learn more about it.

#2 Set yourself some goals, big or small

These can be short term or long term, but setting goals is great if you have a point that you want to aim for. Whether it’s saving an amount of money, going somewhere, learning a new skill as mentioned above, or even just spending a bit more time for yourself and making sure you get enough sleep or eat enough vegetables during the week.

Anything can be a goal, and the sense of achievement that you get from completing them can be great, especially if you easily get the feeling that you are wasting your time as soon as you’re taking a rest.

#3 Exercise more

Exercising releases positive hormones that can improve your mood, and help you lose weight, to boot. If you’re feeling down about how much weight you’ve put on during the pandemic, it might be a good idea to do some exercise, make yourself feel good, and shed some pounds in the meantime. It can be as much as going out for a well-paced walk, or you can hit the weights at the gym and try your hand at muscle building rather than just focusing on losing unhealthy fat.

A few final thoughts

There are so many doors reopening to you now that pandemic restrictions are coming to a close. After the hit of COVID-19, you might be feeling like you have neglected your mental health.

There are many opportunities to get back on track, like doing more exercise, setting goals, and learning something new, or even combining all three, to help you get more positive hormones charging around your system and get you ready for a COVID-free world.

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