What Skin Health Experts Say about Climate Change and How to Stay Protected
Climate change isn’t something to be ignored. Even if you put aside, for a moment, the possible reasons for the phenomenon, it’s still crucial to mitigate the serious issues that it not only brings to our planet but also to us as individual inhabitants.
During the summer we are, on the whole, very aware of the issues that the sun can have on our health, most notably in relation to skin cancer concerns, but now these are issues we can’t just put a full stop on just because the summer has come to an end.
You will no doubt have noticed, depending on where in the world you reside, that just because we are in the latter stages of 2021, it doesn’t mean that the sun isn’t still a factor to take into consideration when it comes to your health.
Indeed, complacency is the biggest threat to your health, and it’s essential to be aware of the dangers of climate change, be that air pollution, increased exposure to the sun’s UV rays, or any other of a number of issues that are well known to us.
Dangers of Winter Sun
The winter sun is just as deadly when it comes to skin issues, such as cancer, and in many ways doubly so because of our natural inclination to believe things aren’t as dangerous as they are in the peak summer months.
Winter sun still affects us, and indeed in some instances, there are additional threats to consider. For instance, the increased exposure to the sun at higher altitudes, such as when on a skiing or mountain hiking trip, is far worse, and the higher up above sea level you are, the greater the damage.
Tips on How to Stay Protected
Wear Sunglasses with the correct level of UV Protection
Protecting your eyes from the sun is also important and wearing an effective pair of sunglasses, such as the stylish offering from GlassesUSA.com, is a good way to provide an additional level of defense that can be all the difference you need. Indeed sunglasses can also protect the areas around your eyes that are more susceptible to damage caused by the sun.
Avoid Peak Hours of Sun
Try to avoid being outside for prolonged periods, especially during the peak hours (which tend to be from around 11 am to 3 pm). Be aware that while it isn’t summer, the risks from over-exposure are no less vital to avoid. Get into a routine that avoids such exposure and perhaps consider spending time outdoors earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon.
Try to spend as much time in the shade as possible, perhaps get to know where the relevant areas of shade might be on your walking routes (if you partake in frequent jogging, running, or walking activities.
Wear Layers of Clothing
Try to avoid exposing too much of your skin to the sun. If it’s still hot where you are, wear loose-fitting clothing that will cover your skin while also keeping you cool. Use layers to give a greater shield of defense.
Wear a Hat or Head Covering
Try to avoid spending lots of time outside in the sun without a head covering of some form as your scalp is in danger of damage from UV rays. This is often an area that many overlook, and it’s something to keep in mind.
Even On a Cloudy Day, The Sun Can Cause Damage
Just because it’s not a bright crispy day, that doesn’t mean that there are no harmful rays raining down from the sun; they are just obscured by they are still able to penetrate to ground level, so don’t take it for granted that because it’s a little cloudy that you are safe from the dangerous effects of the sun.
Use Sunscreen Liberally and Often
Always apply sunscreen when you are stepping outside for a prolonged period and use it liberally and reapply frequently. Make sure to use the right SPF level for your skin type, and if you are not sure what level works for you, then consult with your dermatologist. No one is suggesting you stay inside for fear of sun damage; you just need to be smart in terms of how you mitigate that risk.
Protect Your Children
Get your kids into a routine of following instructions before spending time outside. Try to hammer home the need to be cautious so that they get to a level of familiarity about the situation. This doesn’t mean scaring them with the potential consequences but instead, use it as an educational moment in their lives that they will learn to adopt as they grow.
Get to Know Your Own Skin
It’s helpful to check yourself for any skin markings regularly, or if it’s easier, ask your partner to do so, and that way, you’ll notice if anything new arises. Again, as with other tips referenced earlier, try to make this activity something of a routine, and that way, you help to stay ahead of any potential issue.