Best Ways to Promote Your Business in 2023

Finding new ways and means to get the word out about your business is something that management and staff should take seriously.

In our digitally connected age, omnichannel marketing techniques must be utilized in order to get the best possible outreach and chances of securing new business.

If you’re just starting out this year, or feel that your company needs some new ideas to help get them on the right track over the coming months here are some of the best ways to promote your business in 2023.

Go back to basics…

Sometimes it’s good to go back to basics and offer simple, personalized branded items that have a tangible use – like custom notepads, pens, or mouse mats. They can be given out at events, or in the course of business meetings.

Any time the person receiving looks at it, they’ll be reminded that you exist…and that perhaps it’s time they gave you a call to sort out some of their pressing business needs. It’s always worth a try and sometimes these ‘old school advertising hacks really do make all the difference. 

Make use of influencer marketing

This is still regarded as being largely untested in terms of its rewards – but there’s no denying that celebrities and social media influencers with large followings will have clout when it comes to helping you promote your business.

Influencers who work exclusively via Instagram or YouTube and typically have a following of above 10,000 people are often considered to be a safe bet when it comes to chasing marketing opportunities.

Yes, this will come at a cost – some influencers might ‘just’ want a sample of a product to try but others might charge a fee (and some can be hefty) if it gets outreach to your brand in the long term it might be worth considering. 

Plump for podcasts…

Why not consider creating an advert to feature in a podcast – either one that’s already popular, or perhaps one that works within your niche? This is one of the best ways to tap into a consumer base that has grown a lot in the last decade.

Offering to sponsor a podcast or perhaps just a single episode can bring your business to a new audience and oftentimes the hosts will do a special tailored promotion (for a fee) that highlights the best you have to offer. 

Keep your website up-to-date

It’s important to remember the importance of driving organic traffic through to your site – and to do this you need to make sure it’s maintained and updated very regularly.

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re not getting as good outreach as you’re used to – it’s worth checking all your site content and seeing if it could do with a refresh and rebrand. It’s something that can get overlooked – after all, many people assume once your site is up and running that’s the hard work done – maintenance is key. Organic traffic is free – making sure you keep hold of it takes work!


Whether you decide to go back to basics or keep it simple with a good old website rebrand and refresh, taking a few small steps to get your business back on track can help with attracting new clients in 2023. 

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