Make Sure Your House Is Ready for the Winter
Christmas is just around the corner which means the colder months are upon us. It’s the perfect time to get your home ready for winter. Unfortunately, you need to do a little more than putting up the Christmas tree and outdoor lights. You need to do some maintenance on your home to prepare for the icy winter weather.
It’s normal for properties to deteriorate over time – but the right care can help to minimise the signs of age. A little maintenance work each winter could save you from a huge issue – and a costly one at that – later down the line.
As the colder weather sets in, it’s time to get your home ready for winter.
Service the heating system
Take a look at your combi boiler and make sure it’s working efficiently. You can follow the instructions in the manual or hire a Gas Safety registered engineer to review the boiler. You need to get your boiler serviced to check its condition and efficiency. Look at your radiators and check to see if the top feels hotter than the bottom. You may need to bleed your radiators to get them working properly again. If your heating system is old, have a chat with the engineer about installing a new one.
Homeowners, renters, and property managers can hire experts in heating and plumbing through Easefix.
Check the windows and doors
Take a look at your windows and doors and fill in any cracks and gaps. Heat will escape through old windows in period properties. Use thermal curtains to line your windows and add an extra barrier against the cold. You could also use a draft excluder at the bottom of your outside doors.
Double glazed windows also help with keeping the heat in the property during the colder months. Insulating your home well can help with reducing electric bills as it means you’re using the heating less because the heat stays in the home.
Empty the guttering
In the autumn, fallen leaves can build up in the gutters and weigh them down. In the winter, the wet leaves freeze and make the gutters even heavier. Gutters can collapse in the winter and cause injury to you and your family. Make sure to clean out your gutters before the icy weather arrives.
Ask your energy supplier to install a smart meter
A smart meter can help you monitor your energy usage throughout the month. You can keep a close eye on your bills and stop your energy from running over your usual rate. You can run a more energy-efficient home and keep costs down. Smart meters also allow you to set a ‘target usage’ which means you can budget yourself daily.
Check the carbon monoxide alarm
Carbon monoxide is a lethal substance that needs to be monitored by an alarm in your home. Ensure your carbon monoxide alarm has fresh batteries – or install an alarm if you don’t have one already. People use the heating system more in the winter, which can increase the risk of carbon monoxide in the property.
Get your home ready for the winter season with these simple maintenance checks. You could spend one weekend ticking everything off so you can snuggle up for the winter safe and warm.