What You Should Be Aware Of Divorce In Military Families

Divorce, no matter how you look at it, can be challenging. It’s crucial to address both legal and emotional issues concurrently. A challenging and pricey divorce procedure could be experienced by military people. You can cut back on some of the worry, time, and expense by being aware of the warning signs.

First, get in touch with your neighborhood Legal Assistance Office. You can get free legal assistance whether you’re a US citizen or a citizen of another nation.

What services does your local Legal Aid Office offer?

However, some federal statutes and military regulations might also be applicable, depending on where you file and what state laws and regulations are in effect. Active duty military members can receive free legal counsel and information on a variety of subjects from an installation legal assistance office, such as:

• Separation of the parents and a fair division of parenting responsibilities
• Considerations relating to taxes.
It is anticipated that the Military Personnel Civil Relief Act will become law.

Family members who qualify may also receive legal assistance. An attorney, on the other hand, can simply suggest that a service member or his or her spouse avoid conflicts of interest. The second spouse may visit a different attorney at the same or a different location depending on the service branch.

Legal help attorneys can only offer clients general information and advice in the absence of legal counsel. In this context, it’s crucial to make the following distinction:

Military personnel’s legal protections

While on active service, military personnel’s legal rights are safeguarded by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. There is typically a waiting period after divorce papers are served on one spouse before the other responds. In relation to SCRA:

• Due to their military responsibilities, military members may be given a time extension in judicial or administrative processes.

• A service member may not be subjected to a default judgment if they do not appear or reply to a case.

• Military legal assistance attorneys can help you comprehend the repercussions of divorce and will keep your chat private. A non-government civilian lawyer referral service might also be of assistance.

Military divorcees’ legal rights

You should speak with a civilian attorney if you’re going through a divorce or legal separation and there are civil court issues involved, such as child custody, spousal/child support, or asset distribution.

The United States Armed Forces The Federal Spouse Protection Act, passed in 2008, provides benefits to ex-military spouses. The so-called 20/20/20 rule allows for access to the MWR program’s medical, food, and movie theatre perks for former spouses who haven’t remarried:

• The ex-spouse and the military member had been married for at least 20 years at the time of the divorce, dissolution, or annulment.

• To get retirement pay, a military member must have served for at least 20 years (the member does not have to be retired from active duty). It’s a good idea to use this service to determine someone’s military status in order to be on the safe side.

• Benefits are only available to ex-spouses who were married for at least 20 years during the retirement-eligible service period.

Divorce regulations in other nations

Courts in the United States might not recognize divorce decrees made outside of the country. Because of this, filing in the US is typically best.

Any state where the service member is stationed, claims legal residency, or resides allows service members and their wives to petition for divorce there.

When getting a divorce while traveling, keep the following things in mind:

• If you own a property abroad, it’s better to speak with a civilian attorney or a representative of a Military Legal Assistance Office (LAO).

• Government support for returning family members and their belongings before military duty is completed.


Service men and their spouses who are divorcing should be familiar with military divorce’s legal aspects. Due to the unique legal challenges that occur, divorce in the military is different from divorce in the civilian sector. Aid is on its way! These legal issues are the focus of some private attorneys’ practices. Find legal aid If you’re going through a divorce, military bases often have attorneys who can help.

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