diversifying your online content

Your Guide to Diversifying Your Online Content

The type of content we consume can say a lot about who we are as people, our beliefs, and what we value. In recent decades, the pop culture and entertainment landscape have changed across all its platforms. More doors for marginalized communities have begun to open, and the type of content we see on our screens feels more representative of the world we live in.

When it comes to the type of content you consume daily, have you ever stopped to observe the kind of stories you’re watching? Or who you’re watching tell those stories? With more online content at our fingertips than ever before, it’s time we incorporate more diversity and selection — no matter how you consume your content.

This guide will help you take a closer look at your viewing patterns and where you can find more diversity online.

What Does Content Diversity Mean?

When you think of the movies, television shows, or streaming content you consume, have you ever stopped to think about the type of content on your screens? Meaning, what stories are you watching? Are you learning about different cultures? Does everyone on your screen look just like you?

The broader our scope of media content is, the more in-tuned we are to the experiences of those that are different than us. This often leads to more understanding and empathy in our everyday lives.

Finding New Stories


Streaming has quickly become the go-to source for visual content — from television series to full-length feature films. With so many choices, it can often feel overwhelming to choose new content; instead, opting for shows you’ve watched repeatedly.

While there is more choice than ever before, there are plenty of resources that offer specific categories on their channels to help you find more diverse content — including films with indigenous voices, movies or biographies about trailblazing people of color, and original online content featuring black artists and their stories. Next time you open your favorite streaming platform, look specifically for these categories and try watching something new at least once a week.

Audio-Only Content

The stories we hear are just as important as those we watch online. There are several audio-only websites and online podcast resources, each with a rich tapestry of stories and voices waiting to be heard.

Similar to how you search for new visual content, look for specific categories that feel outside your original scope of content. Or maybe you’ll find an audio series about a prominent figure in entertainment or history that can provide a different perspective than what you’re used to. If you’re unsure where to start, a simple online search for diverse podcast options is a great start.


This article aims to ask questions you may not think of in your day-to-day life. The type of visual and audio content you consume can greatly influence how you move in the world, and these tips and resources can help set a foundation for more inclusivity and diversity.

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