In a world where businesses are increasingly turning towards data solutions and hyper-automation, where everyone has high hopes for Metaverse and Extended Reality – knowing how to code has become one of the most in-demand skills of all time.
But despite the high demand, IT organizations report a severe lack of qualified candidates with the proper skill set, especially in areas like data analytics, informatics, and cyber security. And for a beginner, learning the right languages makes all the difference.
What are the suitable programming languages to learn?
The programming languages you know make up your tech stack, and you can attract the right employers with the right tech stack. The most apparent course of action is to find out the languages currently in demand or which ones are easy to pick up for beginners.
For example, many startups primarily use Python and JavaScript as their back-end stack, and both are relatively easy to learn for beginners. Furthermore, most programming languages share the same concepts, so if you start your journey with a beginner-friendly language, you can quickly master other languages too.
However, as many as seven hundred programming languages are currently in existence, and navigating the world of programming to find out which one’s best for you can be overwhelming for a beginner. Furthermore, determining which coding language to learn first is an important decision. After all, coding is the foundation of your career as a dev, and setting off on the right foot can make your path to success much easier.
So, start by focusing on the direction you want your career to take, whether it’s web development, app development, data handling, or something else. Doing so will help narrow your career path and equip you with the knowledge to make the right decisions.
That being said, here we bring you a well-rounded list of programming languages that every beginner should have in their arsenal. Keep scrolling if you wish to learn more.
Four useful coding languages to learn
1. Python
Python is also known as the language of beginners because, regardless of your skill level and understanding, it’s relatively easy to master. The simplicity and readability of its syntax make it ideal for beginners. Also, its versatility is trendy among the more experienced crowd. Python can do everything you’d expect it to, from data processing and back-end development to machine learning and analytics.
Furthermore, it comes with a rich collection of package libraries, which means you can speed things up by simply calling the functions you need instead of starting from scratch. Python is also popular among science folks who find extensive Python libraries useful. After all, there’s no better option than Python when analyzing data and creating visual informatics based on hardcore statistics. So it’s a good choice for beginners since it’s easy to pick up and use across many platforms.
2. JavaScript
JavaScript is a well-rounded, open-source, text-based development language used for front-end and back-end development. Businesses have different use cases for JavaScript, from front-end, back-end, web app, and game development.
When used as a part of a web stack, it can significantly improve a website’s interactivity by adding dynamic features. From animations to effects, JavaScript makes adding all different elements a breeze. Its widely used for client-side development due to its fast response time, accessibility, and effectiveness in generating dynamic content for websites. Furthermore, it works well with many other languages and boosts the site experience for the end user.
JavaScript can also be used in full-stack development, and you can use it to build applications from the ground up thanks to its front-end and server-side development capabilities. In addition, it’s relatively easy to learn, making it perfect for beginners interested in web development.
3. SQL
Structured Query Language or SQL (pronounced sequel) is a must-have in your tech stack if you’re interested in all things data. SQL is the language for querying databases and retrieving relevant data. It’s a specialized language for working with relational databases, allowing developers to do tasks such as querying, updating, and analyzing the data. With SQL, you can retrieve your desired data sets from large relational databases and analyze the data to provide better results.
It has limited use cases compared to other languages on the list, but it’s a complete powerhouse with data handling. With the increased significance of data in modern businesses and the IT sector, there’s no better language than SQL for statistical computing and interpreting data.
Learning SQL is essential for a career in data analytics, but it also has practical applications in the marketing industry. Unlike more complex programming languages, SQL has fewer rules to be learned; thus, mastering it isn’t the challenge. Instead, the challenge it presents is figuring out how to use it optimally according to your data needs.
4. HTML and CSS
HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language and CSS or Cascading Style Sheets make up the front-end stack of website development. If JavaScript powers a website and makes it functional, then HTML/CSS is what makes up the website’s content, structure, and visuals.
HTML/CSS are crucial for creating websites as they make up a webpage’s layout, elements, and structure. HTML can be described as the skeleton structure that directs the placement and design of web elements. And CSS adds color and style to that structure to make it visually appealing. Together they make up a website with all the web elements you expect a website to have.
Website development is simply impossible without knowing either of these languages. And their intuitive syntax makes them easy to understand and implement, making them a good choice for beginners. In some respects, they aren’t the most exciting languages, but they provide a solid foundation to expand your understanding of code and how it works.
Bottom line
Tech is one of the most rapidly expanding industries today, with programming being one of the highest-paid career paths in the industry. Knowing how to code can be your golden ticket to success if you’re interested in a tech career. However, programming is a broad field with many career paths, so building a competitive programming skillset according to your desired job is essential.
The above-discussed programming languages are the staples that every programmer should know. Build a strong foundation in a programming career with an easy-to-learn language to start a smooth journey toward your desired career path. We hope this article helped you choose the perfect language to try your hands on coding and build a deeper understanding of programming.