4 Online Marketing Strategies That All Businesses Can Benefit From

Half a century ago, if a small business wanted to advertise that they were now open, they had to resort to local marketing strategies. This included handing out fliers around town, spreading the word verbally, and if they had the money, placing an ad in the newspaper or even on the radio and on TV.

While those forms of marketing were successful then and even still fairly successful now, there are much more effective ways to market one’s business. The world has become more digitized in the last 50 years— even in just the last 20 years— so now it’s time for business owners to focus on online marketing and digital marketing strategies.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is the creation of online content (photos, videos, blog posts, podcasts, etc.) to create interest in a company and its products/services. If you’ve heard of the term “content creator” then you’re probably familiar with this form of online marketing, as this is the number one way these creators market— by creating content. The biggest platforms where this content is shared are on various social media platforms, but you can also share content on your website.

One increasingly popular type of content that’s successful in capturing the attention of potential customers is that of infographics. Infographics are pictures (but can also be videos) that convey research, data, and other information in a quick and concise way. Living in a digital world has made us ready to receive information as quickly as possible, so more people are looking towards infographics for information, rather than reading a long blog post.

2. Email Marketing

You might assume that email marketing isn’t a successful form of online marketing because of spam, but keep in mind that this type of marketing works best when your customers voluntarily sign up for your daily or weekly emails. You should always give your website visitors and actual customers the option to sign up for emails and the frequency they’d like to receive them.

For those who want to receive emails, you can use this opportunity to advertise new products, run promotions, and just general information about your products. Customers who willingly sign up for emails are more likely to respond to them.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of getting your business’s website to rank higher on Google and other search engines. This method of online marketing is even more effective when your website has a blog that’s updated regularly.

What SEO does is use keywords on your website and blog in the form of on-page content and links. When people use search engines and type in a keyword that matches the content on your website or blog, your website is more likely to come up on the first page of that search engine.

SEO can be difficult to grasp at times, so look into some of the best link building companies to help get you started. These companies can help get your website to rank not only on the first page of search results but in higher slots.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is exactly what it sounds like— marketing on social media. Billions of people use one or more social media platforms every day, and that number continues to grow each day. Currently, some of the top social media platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

When marketing on social media, it’s essential that you know which platforms are better suited to your business. Generally, Facebook is suited for all types of businesses because people of all ages use Facebook, but it’s most popular among Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980). Instagram and Twitter are more popular with Generation Y/Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996), and TikTok is most popular among Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012).

Keep in mind that online marketing methods are only successful if you have an online presence. This means that you should have a business website (a blog on your website would be great too) and at least one social media business profile. It also helps to automate these processes so you’re not constantly having to remind yourself to send out the daily email and post on social media and your blog.

Marketing online has the unmatched potential to reach the largest audience possible. Even local businesses can benefit from online marketing since it’s likely that someone in your local community spends a lot of time online.

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